Vanity Rooms

April 10, 2011

Blast From The Past: Baby Boom & Vintage Chic

Just last week, I went back to Miri, Sarawak, for a short visit over the weekend.  The trip turned out better than I expected as I got to see my relatives, have big family dinners and even a great barbecue.  And what's more exciting, is that I found such great clothing finds in old boxes stacked up in the store room.  I went through my old baby clothing and it brought back such old memories!  I can't believe I even remember my favorite shirts, what I felt uncomfortable in, etc.  My mom sure did a good job making me look like a stylish baby, I can even imagine myself wearing some of the items in my size now!  So I brought home some of the best clothing items for my little niece to wear :)

Teddy bears are still my favorite, to sleep with and wear! :)

Top: GO GO POWER RANGERS! How awesome is that?    

Bottom: Chains and pearl-like buttons on a baby's jacket.  I would wear that now!

 Along with boxes full of baby outfits, I found a lot of clothing from my mom's generations as well as my sister's generation.  It was probably the most exciting part of the entire trip.  It's great seeing vintage pieces with the same shapes and patterns selling in the market now, and I realized how much fashion is recycled over and over.  This red one-piece can be easily found in stores these days, but I love the vintage buttons sewn on and the material is actually pretty heavy.  The second vintage piece of clothing which I love are the newspaper print jeans.  The jeans come all the way up to my waist and surprisingly, I find it easy to match a lot of things in my closet.  A blog post especially for these pieces? Maybe in a few weeks :)


Spice Girls Crop Shirt - "If you wanna be my lover, you gotta get with my friends" :)
Black & White

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